Parquet or ceramic is better [Advantages and disadvantages]
Parquet or ceramic is better [Advantages and disadvantages]

Parquet or ceramic is better [Advantages and disadvantages]

In the world of flooring, ongoing developments in manufacturing and design are evident. Choosing the right flooring based on various needs and factors is crucial.

Ceramics and parquet are two popular options, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. While ceramics are a traditional and common choice, this alone is not sufficient, and further details need to be examined. Whether parquet or ceramics is better depends on factors such as quality, structure, and other technical characteristics of these two products that must be scrutinized.

Additionally, in comparing ceramics and parquet, aspects like size and price also play a significant role. These differences create a source of doubt in choosing between two valid options. Therefore, decision-making requires precise and specialized information in various areas.

Understanding Parquet and Its Advantages

Parquet, made from natural wood, lends an extraordinarily natural and warm appearance to home spaces. If you prefer warm surfaces and want to cover your home with a sense of warmth, parquet is a suitable option.

Made from wood, parquet transfers a sense of warmth and nature to the home. As an essential part of home decor, it offers a unique and open appearance to the space.

The advantages of using parquet are diverse, including imparting a sense of warmth and nature to the home and easy coordination with various decors. Parquet can be used in both traditional or modern environments and gives a beautiful look to the space with any gentle decor chosen.

One of the prominent features of parquet is its easy installation. Compared to ceramic installation, parquet is much simpler. The softness and smoothness of the parquet flooring create a pleasant feeling when walking, and the product's nature contributes to this pleasant sensation.

What are the Drawbacks of Parquet?

With its natural and attractive features, parquet also has disadvantages. One point to consider is its low resistance to water, which can cause swelling. Therefore, special materials are needed for cleaning parquet.

Another drawback is the risk of fire, which makes us more cautious in choosing this product.

Finally, the contact of objects with parquet and walking on it generates noise, which is more of a concern in noise-sensitive environments. Ultimately, choosing between the advantages and disadvantages of parquet requires attention and a complete understanding of your needs and limitations.

What is Ceramic?

Ceramics, as a common choice, are widely present in many homes. The use of ceramic floor tiles is popular for spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms due to their high resistance and longevity. This flooring, with features like durability, easy maintenance, and compatibility with various decor styles, has gained a special place in both modern and classic worlds.

Different Types of Floor Ceramics

Ceramics, known for their wide variety in types and applications as flooring, include:

1. Granite Ceramics

These are typically used for flooring in homes or rooms. Made from a mix of clay and other materials, they are highly resistant and durable against pressure and wear. Various designs and colors of this type of ceramic provide numerous options for decorating interiors.

2. Porcelain Ceramics

Porcelain ceramics absorb less water than granite ceramics (with a water absorption rate equal to or less than 0.5 percent by mass) and are fired at approximately 1200 degrees Celsius.

Porcelain ceramics are very dense, with minimal porosity (close to zero). This low porosity is a key feature of porcelain ceramics, contributing to their high technical and chemical performance and resistance to freezing, making them very suitable for covering floors and walls in cold climates. Additionally, they are highly resistant to chemicals and cleaners.

Their high resistance to wear and tear, high breakage threshold, and ease of cleaning make porcelain ceramics ideal for use in industrial and high-traffic areas.

The raw material for porcelain ceramics is a tripartite mixture of clay or kaolin, quartz, and feldspar. The clay in the initial mixture provides flexibility and high dry mechanical resistance during the forming process.

The presence of feldspar ensures better firing and reduces porosity to almost zero, which is why porcelain ceramics absorb very little water. Also, quartz, due to its very high melting point, contributes to heat stability and the maintenance of determined dimensions for the ceramic.

3. Mosaic Ceramics

These ceramics are an attractive option for bathrooms or kitchens. With small designs and a variety of colors and patterns, mosaic ceramics add a special beauty and charm to spaces. Also, using these ceramics throughout the house creates a uniquely beautiful atmosphere.

With this variety in types of ceramics, the possibility of choosing the best option based on individual needs and tastes is available.

Detailed Comparison of Ceramics and Parquet

Choosing between ceramic and wooden flooring is an important decision in home interior design that requires considering various factors, including:

Floor Appearance (Subjective)

The difference in appearance and style of floorings varies based on individual tastes. Ceramics, with their variety of designs and colors, are known as a modern and stylish option, while wooden flooring offers a different appeal with its special warmth and natural beauty.

Budget (Ceramics Cheaper – Parquet More Expensive)

The economic factor also plays a significant role in flooring choice. Ceramics are often cheaper than wooden flooring, which can be a decisive factor in purchasing.

Durability and Resistance

Durability and resistance to wear and impact are important. In this regard, wooden flooring (parquet) prides itself on its natural wood nature and dense structure, while porcelain ceramics, due to their very high density, show high resistance to wear.

Cleaning Needs (Ceramics Less – Parquet More):

Ceramic surfaces, due to their low porosity, are easy to clean. In contrast, wooden flooring, due to the porous nature of wood and the need to maintain quality, requires more care.

Weight and Heaviness (Ceramics Heavier – Parquet Lighter)

Ceramics, due to their heavier structure, have more weight. Whereas, wooden flooring, due to its material structure, is lighter.

Resistance to Scratches (Ceramics More – Parquet Less)

Porcelain ceramics, due to their high firing temperature and high density, show high resistance to scratches compared to wooden flooring, which may easily get scratched.

In general, choosing between ceramic and wooden flooring depends on your needs, tastes, and financial limitations. Further information and consulting from more specialized sources can significantly assist in this decision-making process.

Which is Better for Home Floors, Parquet or Ceramic?

Choosing between parquet and ceramics for home flooring depends on individual needs, tastes, and specific circumstances. Each of these floorings has its own features and advantages.


Made from natural wood, parquet has gained significant attention for the natural and warm appeal it brings to homes. This flooring creates a warm and pleasant atmosphere in interior spaces. Additionally, the variety of woods and colors in parquet provides a wider range of choices for users. In terms of beauty and attractiveness, parquet holds a good position.


As a mineral flooring, ceramics offer advantages such as resistance to water, hardness, and high durability. Ceramics are easier to maintain and clean and can be a suitable choice for areas exposed to water and moisture. Also, in terms of resistance to scratches, ceramic types like porcelain ceramics are more resistant than parquet.

Ultimately, to choose between parquet and ceramics, important factors such as personal taste, the need for natural warmth or water and moisture resistance, resistance to wear and impact, financial budget, and space usage need to be considered. Each of these floorings has unique features that are chosen based on specific situations and needs.

Important Points for Choosing Between Ceramics and Parquet

Now that we have comprehensively covered the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of tiles and ceramics, we can examine the main topic, the choice between ceramics and parquet. In this regard, it cannot be categorically claimed that one of these floorings is better than the other, as the choice between ceramics and parquet depends on various factors.

  • - Ceramics, with high durability, water resistance, wear resistance, and suitable properties for high-moisture spaces, are known as functional and efficient flooring. Also, the easy care and cleaning of ceramics make this flooring a suitable option for spaces that require frequent washing and cleaning.
  • - On the other hand, parquet, with its natural wood look and warmth it brings to a space, has its own unique appeal. With various woods and colors, parquet allows for the creation of pleasant and beautiful spaces.

However, it should be noted that parquet is more sensitive to water and moisture, and in some cases, its use has limitations.

Therefore, to choose the best flooring between ceramics and parquet, it is necessary to consider the needs, tastes, and specific conditions of the intended spaces and make a careful choice. Each of these floorings has its own features and advantages, and the choice should be based on actual conditions and personal preferences.

Final Words

The decision between parquet and ceramics depends on the needs and conditions of the space. Parquet, with the charm of natural wood and its unique warmth, creates beautiful and pleasant spaces. Choosing parquet, especially in bedrooms and less trafficked areas, is sensible.

Ceramics, with high durability, moisture resistance, scratch and wear resistance, and ease of care and cleaning, are a functional option for high-traffic areas. In high-moisture areas, ceramics are the best choice. For a final decision, it is necessary to carefully consider the needs and specific characteristics of each location.